I Have My Own Artwork, How do I Make it Into a Wrap?
It’s always so special when a client already has a piece of their own artwork that they’d like to turn into a wrap. We’re designers and artists ourselves, and so we totally understand the joy that can come from seeing your creations come to life.
Let’s take an even closer look at the specifics of this process.
What We Need From You
A few things that we ask our clients with their own artwork to keep in mind is the file format (.ai, .eps, or .pdf are best) and to consider including a final mockup. This will help us know where to place and how to prep their creations before installing.
The proper file format is a must. Here’s what we’re able to work with:
If we need to change anything we can do it ourselves when you provide the right files. Having the working file of your artwork takes away a lot of potential back and forth between our team and your designer if any edits need to be made. If you don’t have your files in one of these formats we’ll need to spend a little extra time (and charge a little bit) to get a file we can work with.
When it comes to images and fonts, we need you to provide us with all of the images (and links to download them if necessary) from the get-go. We also need the fonts outlined (into a vector shape), or if you or your designer aren’t sure how to do so, you need to give us editable font files.
Finally, we want the final mockup, but if you have at least basic artwork we can work with you to create that final mockup of your dreams. This is especially important if you envision your artwork as a window display, or if there are multiple design elements to consider. We need to know the exact placement of your graphics and fonts. This also helps our installer know what the end product should look like, and what the client (that’s you!) expects to see once the job is done.
Again, when you start this process off on the right foot, it will make the entire experience run a lot more smoothly – and quickly.
Check, Check, Then Check Again
Before we get started on creating your wrap, and after we’ve received your working files, there’s one more step that can’t be missed. We will always check your files after you’ve provided them to us. We check that they are in the correct format, all of the measurements are correct, and determine how your design translates from 2D to 3D. This is especially important for vehicle wraps!
We also verify that the image resolution is up to our standard. We like to provide a screenshot of the resolution at full size to show you how it will look once it’s printed. If an image becomes pixelated, we will show you and request a new image. Sometimes we can work our magic to make a pixelated picture look better. In any case, we always ask for approval from our clients before we print to make sure that you’re okay with the resolution.
We have a multi-step Quality Control system in place that has caught many small issues over the years. We’ve spent a lot of time perfecting it, and we’re proud to say that it’s totally up to par with our standards.
We also spell check once, twice, and thrice. One of our Graphic Designers, Emily is a superstar spell/grammar checker!
I Want a Window or Wall Wrap
If you have a wrap in mind that’s a bit complicated, like a large wall or a set of windows with multiple mullions (the vertical and sometimes horizontal bars between each window pane), it can be difficult to make your artwork into a wrap design on your own. In these cases, we can work alongside your designer. We’ve been in the biz for a while now and have quite a few tips and tricks up our sleeves that we’re happy to share!
With large walls and windows, we always encourage our clients to let us build out a template to scale based on their art. If you opt for this service, we’ll add it to the print prep charge.
If you have a single door or single window graphic in mind, we ask that you provide us with full-size artwork.
Wall wraps at Jelt Belt, artwork provided by client.
I Want a Vehicle Wrap
When it comes to vehicle wraps, we are super happy to provide the template of the vehicle to the designer from our library of dozens (if not more!) of vehicles. With these templates, however, we ask you or your designer not to mess around with the scale. Vehicle wraps are a lot more involved than any of our other designs. If you alter the scale and we don’t catch it, you run the risk of your wrap getting sent to production with the wrong measurements. And no one wants that!
If your designer has created a vehicle template on their own, we always check over their graphics. There are a lot of nuances involved when turning a design from 2D to 3D that some folks who have never worked with wraps don’t understand or couldn’t possibly guess. This is not to say that your designer didn’t know what he/she was doing, it’s just to say that we pride ourselves on being experts in our field.
If you have your own artwork, we would be thrilled to help you turn it into a wrap. Tell us what you have in mind.