Meet Jessie


Jessie Caprara is Montanan, born and raised, though before she made her way to Bozeman she was a couple hours northwest, in the capital, Helena.  After she graduated from high school she moved to Bozeman for her studies and graduated from MSU with a degree in Business Marketing in 2016.

She still manages to stay close with her family and loves to head to Flathead Lake, just south of Glacier National Park.  “My dad spent every summer there, ever, and it’s just a real oasis of beauty and peace,” she says.  The secret is to go during the week, when it’s slightly less crowded, she notes, but because of how large the lake is, it never really feels that busy.  “It’s my favorite place on earth, and I’m there with my family.  You can’t really ask for much more than that.”

Details Matter

Jessie joined us in early 2019 as our Operations Manager, where she has put her tendencies to always have a plan to use.  Even as a child she always had a plan (“I had really strict parents, so I always had to have an answer for where I was going and what I was doing!” she pleads).  We love that, and that’s precisely what we need here at The Wrap Agency: Jessie handles connecting with clients, offering quotes, scheduling work, issuing billing, and making sure every step of the process is seamless for the customer and fun for the team.

While she particularly loves the fact that she’s always doing something different every day here, one of the key lessons she learned early on is to measure everything.  “You think those two windows are identical in size?  Wrong.  You think the two sides of a trailer are the same.  Nope.  Don’t assume anything, ever.  Your team of designers, producers, and installers, rely on the measurements you take, so if they are incorrect, the graphics won’t fit and you have to start everything from the beginning, which means everyone’s time, including the client’s, is wasted.  All because you didn’t take the time to do it right the first time.”  Preach!

What’s Ahead

Jessie and her husband recently bought a home and they are loving the feeling of coming back after a hard day of work and relaxing into a place that is truly theirs.

While relaxing she loves to plan trips (huge surprise about the planning part, right? Though her hubs is glad because he hates planning) and listen to some tunes, especially from singer/songwriters.  When we asked for a recommendation she quickly said Dermot Kennedy.  If you haven’t heard this talented artist before check out one of Jessie’s favorite, All My Friends.

She also loves watching thriller and horror series and films, like American Horror Story and The Haunting of Hill House and is always happy to take recommendations so feel free to leave them in the comments!

Jessie often says “If it’s meant to be it’ll be.”  She really came to lean on this as she found over the years that she would dwell on something that didn’t happen that she really wanting to happen, only to realize after a little bit of time that why that thing didn’t happen was so obvious (and often, good).  It’s part of the “stuff my parents said but didn’t really get until I was older” category.  Jessie’s mom gets the credit for this one.

Finally, when Jessie was asked what time she’d like to live in if she could choose, she said the 1990s.  We teased her a bit about it but her answer made more sense when she explained.  “I was a baby in the 1990s, so I didn’t get to experience it the same way I would if I was an adult.  It was such a simple time - no social media, no cell phones.  You could really just be away, get away, have some peace and quiet.”  While the wisdom of having boy bands be part of the soundtrack to that decade might be questionable, Jessie’s reasoning about peace and quiet is spot on, and we could all use a bit more of that in our noisy digital age.


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